
Café Turisthytta

Café Turisthytta

Located on the first floor of Wood Hotel Bodø, inspired by the iconic Turisthytta that once stood here, Café Turisthytta welcomes you to a space that instantly feels like coming home. 

Whether you've just returned from a harsh hike on the mountain, are gathering with colleagues for a celebratory lunch, or are treating the grandkids to a special adventure, Café Turisthytta awaits you with all the necessities.


Warm up with a cup of coffee or cool down with a refreshing drink, combined with something sweet or a tasty caesar sandwich. Come as you are—both before and after a hike in the mountains. 

Café Turisthytta welcomes each and every one of you with its arms wide open—both locals and staying guests.

Monday to Sunday 11 AM to 17 PM

Opening hours

Restaurant ATTME

  1. Mon - Sun

Last order kitchen 9:30 PM


  1. Mon - Thu
  2. Fri - Sat
  3. Sun